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Your take is interesting and I mostly agree with it.

The debate about music trending to free is a tough one and an old one. I remember sharing a platform with the EFF at the 2001 MP3 Summit. They advocated that all music should be free but when faced with the reality of artists needing to ‘eat and live’ their tone softened as they realised that this was not a sustainable position.

My perspective is that music should be as free as an artist wants it to be and for them to be paid in the way that they want. That’s how it used to be when it all began, if the singer does not want to sing, the show does not go on.

This is where your second point resonates and I agree that the right for the artist to control the usage of their content should be paramount. I am of the opinion that this cannot be solved by licensing or a legal framework. It needs to be done by a trustless content distribution mechanism that is under the control of the copyright owner. Once that is in place the legal frameworks can be settled on. We considered this distribution solution as the key component when we started to build our solutions and settled on Eluvio as our underlying content fabric. To date it seems to be hitting the mark and there may be others but we could not find them. I would be interested to hear if you have any thoughts as to other ways to solve as IFPS or Arweave seem to me to not be up to scratch in a complex global environment.

Keep up the good work.

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