Weekly Recap 14
Sound, Spinamp, Manifold, FirstMate & More Support Optimism. Royal Song Valuation Calculator.
This week was all about Optimism.
Sound launched on the L2 and had a calendar packed with drops from top artists.
The first release clocked in at over 70,000 mints - by far their most minted song on the platform.
FirstMate announced their support of Optimism, powering Sound’s secondary marketplace.
Spinamp confirmed that they’ve enabled collecting on Optimism.
And Manifold announced that they now support Optimism, making it easy for artists to get their music onchain, and even earn a bonus for trying it out.
Our latest podcast episode breaks down how Optimism could change the way we collect music.
We’re looking forward to a future of music on L2s.
What’s your favorite song being minted on Optimism? Let us know in our Telegram chat for the chance to be featured on our spotlight playlist coming next week!
Here’s what happened this week.
Weekly Podcast
Invest in Music is powered by NFT Now - our partner for podcasts and distribution.
We’re joined by Binji of Optimism to talk about the Optimism Collective and what it looks like for music to come to an L2.
We talk about how artists can get involved in the grants program and retroactive public goods funding.
We discuss the future of music on the chain and how Optimism is bringing faster and cheaper transactions for web3 music.
Remember - Invest in Music Pass holders can mint at a discount.
Top Stories
Bonus Reads
Thank you to our sponsor Sound.
Sound is a leading market to discover amazing new music and prove that you were there first.
Start collecting on Sound today at sound.xyz.
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