Weekly Recap 010
Sound Mobile App. FWB Fest 2023. Glass Creator Grant. Moonbirds Playlist. Criteria Release Party.
Web3 music is gunning for accessibility.
With Sound releasing their mobile app and more projects experimenting with L2s - the world of $5 Music NFTs with a credit card and little to no gas are on the horizon.
Jacob Horne gave a compelling vision for what it means to be onchain - one in which we see full alignment with for the future of music.
It was a slow week all things considered - but that’s not without new music.
Daniel Allan is ringing in the release of his Criteria EP in LA tonight - celebrating a project with Reo Cragun which broke Sound records back in December.
We joined the DANC3 community to chat about their first drop in our first weekly Twitter Space.
We’re testing out a new livestream segment this afternoon, so stay tuned for more details on our Twitter.
All that goes to say that despite a slow market, we’re committed to the path forward.
Here’s what happened this week.
Weekly Podcast
Invest in Music is powered by NFT Now - our partner for podcasts and distribution.
We’re joined by Damian Manning - the founder of an artist financing platform called HIFI.
In this episode, we talk about their new product Cash Flow - allowing artists to get paid for their streams in real-time.
We covered everything from what it means to run your own business as a musician to the push for more financial transparency around how artists are paid.
HIFI has the potential to benefit thousands of artists and labels and we’re excited to be catching them in the early stages of rolling out Cash Flow to the world.
Top Stories
Bonus Reads
Thank you to our sponsor Sound.
Sound is a leading market to discover amazing new music and prove that you were there first.
Start collecting on Sound today at sound.xyz.
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The Invest in Music podcast, newsletter or other materials from CRM (collectively, “Content”) is for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal, tax, investment, financial or other advice. Nothing in this post or in any Content constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by CRM or any third party service provider to buy or sell any securities or financial instruments or products. All Content is information of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. CRM is not a fiduciary by virtue of any person’s use of or access to Content. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with the use of Content before making any decisions based on such Content.
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