Weekly Recap 001
Daniel Allan Seed Round. Dreams Never Die Founder Pass. ASTRO. Helix and more.
Welcome to Weekly Recap 001 - your roundup of top stories from the past week.
The market is in a bit of lull - but that didn’t stop the news from rolling.
Daniel Allan announced a $1M seed round yesterday - described in detail in our first podcast, which you can collect here.

Across the board, mints have slowed down.
Most songs are minting for 0.001 ETH - a big shift from months prior but ultimately a step in the right direction to unlock collecting at scale.
We saw a number of genesis passes drop in recent weeks - including our own Invest in Music Pass.
The next few months are going to be tough - but if you’re reading this, we’re here to support every step of the way.
If you’re in LA this week - come hang at Rising Tide 002 on Wednesday night.
Here’s what happened this week.
Top Stories
Bonus Reads
Hamburglar launches Web3 Burger Music
Thank you to our sponsor Sound.
Sound is a leading market to discover amazing new music and prove that you were there first.
Start collecting on Sound today at sound.xyz.
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Join the collector chat with the Invest in Music Pass.
Follow Invest in Music on Twitter or collect on our website.
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There might be a slight lull but lots to look forward to as well!