This Week in Music NFTs - April 18
Highlighting the top Music NFT drops of the week following a big Coachella weekend.
This week’s edition comes late on a Monday night fresh off Coachella.
Being immersed in the heart of music culture, it’s easy to see why this sector is so ripe for adoption.
At the end of the day - Music NFTs create connections among fans.
Our job is to empower those who make them, and to support those who see a future worth championing.
We’ll keep it brief - but here’s what to have on your radar this week.
Upcoming Drops
Snoop Dogg - Death Row Session: Volume 2 - Sound - 1000 Editions - April 20th
Pauline Herr - Addicted - Sound - 50 Editions - April 19th
Jutes - fumes - Sound - 50 Editions - April 21st
Devault - How Would You Know - Sound - 25 Editions - April 21st
Freshly Minted
Top Stories
Beat Foundry Announces Daniel Allan
The on-chain generative Music NFT platform announces its next artist.
ODESZA Breaks Solana 1/1 NFT Record
The tokenized 360 experience at Coachella sells for $145k with all proceeds going to charity.
Artist Spotlight - Daniel Allan
One year ago today, I connected Daniel with the Catalog team.
Since then, he’s gone on to become one the biggest Music NFT artists in the world.
Whether it was his Overstimulated crowdfund, the first artist to sell 100 editions on Sound or his new side project - Pollen - Daniel has continued to push the envelope in the world of web3.
He’s gearing up for the release of his biggest project(s) to date, and one worth watching in the coming months.
Bonus Reads
[Sara Phillips] - How I Sold My Music NFTs
[Chainlink] - How NFTs are Changing the Music Industry
[WAGMI Podcast] - Music NFTs
[The NFT Project] - Problems with Music NFTs
[Jesse Grushack] - Jagwar Twin
[Coopahtroopa] - Music NFT Communities
[RAC] - Ownership vs CC0
This Week in Music NFTs is curated by Coopahtroopa. To stay up with the movement and submit your work to be featured, follow me on Twitter!
Always awesome content Coop