Multichain Music
Sound Tiers. The Multichain. IYK Seed Round. wavCURATE Recap. HIGH FREQUENCY Vol. 2.
Onchain music is going cross-chain.
Sound launched Tiers with Violetta Zironi, Lyrah, BLOODY and Mija.
LNZR debuted the The Multichain - 3 songs on 3 platforms and 3 chains alongside an event in LA on Wednesday night.
IYK announced a $16.8M seed round lead by a16z.
wavCURATE recapped their first season and HIGH FREQUENCY dropped their first track from Vol. 2 with Daniel Allan.
Despite volume being down across the board, teams are still experimenting.
We sat down with Li Jin in our latest podcast episode live from the Variant offices in Williamsburg to unpack the state of consumer crypto.
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Here’s what happened this week.
Top Stories
Sound combines scarcity and reach with their new “forever mints.”
The $1 mint series hosts drops on anotherblock, Sound and Zora.
Digi-physical powerhouse raises $16.8M lead by a16z.
wavCURATE shares the results of their first season.
HIGH FREQUENCY Vol. 2 Launches
It all starts with Daniel Allan, minting now on Sound.
Weekly Podcast
Music Monday
Featuring LNRZ, BLOODY, Songcamp, Daniel Allan, Ayokay and other artists making waves onchain today.
Weekly Spotlight
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