Beachcrimes - Elevator
The song is the seventh in their “24 songs in 48 weeks” journey, which will bring all songs to Sound for everyone to listen to and collect.
The DJ duo entered Web3 with a bang, releasing dance music consistently at affordable prices, and building a name for themselves in the music NFT space.
Elevator is the seventh in their “24 songs in 48 weeks” journey. Starting with a fresh new brand, they’ve already built a passionate community of listeners and followers.
As explained on their drop page, this song “was born in a hotel elevator perched on the stunning cliffs of the Amalfi Coast,” and it’s just one of the many great tracks coming this year.
About Beachcrimes
Beachcrimes is a brand new act in web3, but the two writers have had a long history in the traditional music industry writing music behind the scenes.
They’ve written for artists like Justin Beiber, Halsey, and Chainsmokers and are now working on sharing their own music in a new way.
The duo also had the opportunity to mix the first ever “Own The Mixtape,” presented by Own The Sound. The mix was just under two minutes, but it packed in pieces from some of the biggest artists across web3 in one cohesive song.
This year, they’re bringing all 24 songs to Sound for everyone to listen to and collect.
Every track makes us want to get up and dance, and we know we’re not the only ones.
Why Should I Care?
Beachcrimes has been successful by focusing on a slow and consistent build into Web3, and building a dedicated fanbase along the way. But it all starts with great music.
They still have a ton of great music ready to go behind the scenes, and we’re excited to hear it as it's released this year.
Thank you to our sponsor Sound.
Sound is a leading market to discover amazing new music and prove that you were there first.
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